Thursday, June 17, 2010

Poster design, creativity and anti-rain dances

I recently did my first pecha-kucha presentation at the NUIG CELT conference on creativity. I enjoyed it hugely and was delighted to get a good response on the day, and afterwards by email. I will put the presentation up on soon, but I need to sort out some permissions on a couple of the images...

I was talking about using the process of designing a research poster to think creatively about research ideas. Today I met up with someone who did my workshop on the same topic a few months ago. I was absolutely blown away by her creativity - she had come up with a fantastic central graphic theme, and despite being tentative about technology, her use of Flip videos with the content transcription programme Transana deserves an award with or without any poster! The meeting was a really rewarding experience for me, of seeing someone take your teaching and ideas, think about them seriously and then absolutely soar away with them.

I would so love to be able to use my skills to help with learning technology full time. I know that what I do is really useful and appreciated by those I work with on teaching and learning projects. It's just so frustrating to be having to grab time from three other occupations (farming, statistics and gardening) to do it, but I feel really determined to continue getting more expertise and developing materials and workshops.

Unlike the clouds which are lowering over my hay, due to be baled tomorrow. Please, please don't rain tonight...? But on the other hand one of my gardening clients really needs it to rain tonight. So rain in Cork city only, thank you.

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